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These numbers, known as arguments or speci ”}fiers, are usually separated from the command by a space. Where there would be no confusion, the space may be omitted. Multi •}ple arguments are separated by spaces or commas. In these instructions, the commands will be shown in capital letters and th –}e number as a lower case n. In use, the commands may be in upper or lower case; the n is replaced by a number, or omitted e —}ntirely. When the number is omitted, a default value applies. › › Most commands consists of one or two letters (preced ˜}ed by a period). In many cases more letters may be added to spell out the command in full. For example, the BREAK command d ™}escribed below may be typed as .BR or .BREAK . › ›o BREAK › › Format: .BR or .BREAK › › Causes a break, i.e. the current š}line will be output with no justification and the next word of the source text will be placed at the beginning of the next li ›}ne. › ›o BLANK › › Format: .B n or .BL n or .BLANK n › › Example: .B 3 › › Causes a break after which exactly n lines ar œ}e left blank. If the insertion of these blank lines would leave room for less than two printed lines on the page, the output } is advanced to the top of the next page.› ›o SKIP › › Format: .S n or .SK n or .SKIP n › › Example: .S 2 › › Like BLANK ž}, SKIP causes a break and causes some number of blank lines to be inserted. SKIP causes n*(line spacing) lines to be left bl Ÿ}ank. SKIP may also advance to the top of the next page. › ›o PARAGRAPH › › Format: .P n1,n2,n3 › › Example: .P 5,2,1 › ›  } The numbers following the command are all optional; if omitted the default values are used. Values remain in effect until ¡}changed. › › The number n1 sets the number of spaces which paragraphs are to be indented. The initial default setting is 5. ¢} The command causes a break and leaves n2 blank lines. The default value for n2 is 1. n1 must be specified in order to spe £}cify n2. › › n3 specifies the number of lines which must remain on the page when a new paragraph is started. If there are n ¤}ot enough lines, a new page is started. The initial value of n2 is 2. › ›o PAGE › › Format: .PA or .PAGE › › Causes a bre ¥}ak and an advance to a new page. › ›o LEFT MARGIN › › Format: .LM n or .LEFT n › › Example: .LM 10 › › Causes a break af ¦}ter which the left margin is set to column n. The initial setting is 0.› ›o RIGHT MARGIN › › Format: .RM n or .RI n or .RI §}GHT MARGIN n › › Example: .RM 60 › › Causes a break after which the right margin is set to n. The initial setting is 60. ¨}› ›o WIDTH › › Format: .W n or .WI n or .WIDTH n › › Example: .WI 60 › › The right margin is set to n+left margin. Subs ©}equent changes to the left margin setting do not change the right margin. › ›o INDENT › › Format: .I n or .INDENT n › › Ex ª}ample: .I 5 › › Causes a break and sets the next line to begin n spaces to the right of the left margin. If you have used «}the LEFT MARGIN command to set the left margin non-zero, n may be negative to cause the line to begin to the left of the left ¬} margin. ››o SPACING › › Format: .SP n or .SPACING n › › Example: .SP 2 › › Causes a break after which the line spacing ­}will be set to n. n must be within the range 1 to 5. Single spacing is 1, double spacing is 2, etc. › ›o TITLE › › Format: ®} .T text... or .TITLE text... › › Example: .T This is a title › › This command takes the remaining text on the line as t ¯}he title. This text will appear at the top of all subsequent pages. The title is initially blank. › ›o CENTER › › Format: °} .C text or .CENTER text or .CENTRE text › › Example: .C Center this › › This command causes a break and centers the follo ±}wing text between the left and right margins. If there is no text on the line following the .C, the text is taken from next ²}line following in the source file. ›› ›entation file introduces a dozen PRINT TOOL commands to get you started. › ›o Command ( ** MORE COMMANDS **››Several additional commands and special characters are introduced. With the commands in this file an´}d STARTSET, you have lots of power to control what the output looks like. › ›o FIGURE › › Format: .FI n or .FIGURE n › › Eµ}xample: .FI 10 › › Like BLANK, FIGURE attempts to insert n empty lines, except that if less than n lines remain on the curr¶}ent page, the page will be advanced, and n blank lines will be left at the top of the new page. FIGURE is principally used w·}here it is desired to leave room for a figure to be drawn in manually. › ›o HEADER LEVEL › › Format: .HL n text or .HE n te¸}xt or .HEADER n text › › Example: .HL 1 George Washington › › This command provides automatically numbered sections and su¹}bsections. It permits you to add, delete, or move sections of text without concern for renumbering. First, the HEADER LEVELº} command inserts a BREAK, tests enough lines remain on the page, and inserts the section number and the text following. Fina»}lly, it creates a break after the text. › › The section number may consist of up to 5 parts, separated by periods. For exam¼}ple: . The n in the command controls which part is changed and how many parts are printed. All values start at z½}ero. Whenever a .HL n command is encountered, the value of n is incremented by 1 and all values for subsections greater than¾} n are cleared but not printed. The following table illustrates the effect: › ›Present Command New› Count ¿} Count› › 1.1 .HL 2 1.2 › 1.2 .HL 3 1.2.1 › 1.2.1 .HL 3 1.2.2 › À}1.2.2 .HL 1 2.0 › › Note that when n is 1 a zero is printed following the point. › ›o FILL › › Format: .F Á}n or .FI n or .FILL n › › Example: .FILL › › FILLing is the process of printing the maximum number of words that can fit oÂ}n a line. It may also be thought of as moving words up from one line to another. When you start using The PRINT TOOL, FILL Ã}is turned on. You may turn FILL off by letting n=0. If n is omitted, the value 1 is assumed and FILL is turned on. › ›o ZerÄ}o, one, & NO › › Commands which establish a state, such as FILL, take an argument which may be zero or one. For these commaÅ}nds, zero means "no" or "off". One means "yes" or "on." If n is omitted, it is understood to be one or "on". › › Another waÆ}y to turn a state off is with the command .NO . This command precedes another command to turn it off. For example, › › ForÇ}mat: .NO FILL › › turns FILLing off. › ›o Embedded flag characters › › The PRINT TOOL recognizes certain characters in theÈ} text as signaling special functions. These characters need not occur in the first column in order to be recognized. UnlessÉ} forced, as explained below, these flag characters are not printed. › ›+ Underlining › › In addition to the UNDERLINE commanÊ}d, the character ampersand (&) is used to specify underscoring. The ampersand will cause the character following it to be unË}derscored. Underlining of a string of characters can be specified by an ampersand preceded by up-arrow (^&) will cause underÌ}lining of all following characters. Ampersand preceded by backslash (\&) will disable this mode. › ›+ Exact (quoted) space ›Í} › It is occasionally necessary to include spaces in the text which should not be treated as word separators. For this purpÎ}ose, The PRINT TOOL treats the number sign (#) as a quoted space; i.e. it will print as exactly one space in the output, wiÏ}ll never be expanded nor changed to a carriage return. › ›+ Forced printing of special characters › › To allow the appearancÐ}e of the special characters (ampersand, number-sign, up-arrow, or back-slash) in the output, the underscore character (_) is Ñ}used as a quote character. The character immediately following an underscore will be transmitted to the output with no formaÒ}ting effect. The underscore itself is thus another case requiring quoting. The following five cases occur: _&, _^, _\, __,Ó} and _#. › ›+ Conditional hyphen › › After you have run some text through The PRINT TOOL and looked at the output, you may dÔ}ecide that the appearance of the output would be improved if some words were hyphenated at the end of a line. But you don't Õ}want these words hyphenated if some future text editing causes them to occur in the middle of the line. The PRINT TOOL proviÖ}des a conditional hyphen for you to use in this circumstance. › › A conditional hyphen, also known as a soft hyphen, will pr×}oduce a hyphen in the output if and only if it is the last character on a line. The conditional hyphen is initially the CTRLØ}+X, obtained by pressing the CTRL key while also pressing the X key. › ›o GO from manual to file input › › Format: .G or.GOÙ} › › You may have noticed that when you start The PRINT TOOL you have the option of taking input from the keyboard. This opÚ}tion may be combined with file input using the .G command. › › A major use of this technique is to set one or more conditionÛ}s from the keyboard before processing a stored file. Often you will direct the output to the TV screen and adjust parametersÜ}, such as margins, until you are satisfied. Then you will run The PRINT TOOL once more, sending output to the printer or to Ý}a file. › › Another use of manual input from the keyboard is to experiment with The PRINT TOOL. You can enter commands and Þ}immediately see the result. Still another use is to enter a name and address in a form letter contained in a disk file. › ›oß} HELP › › Format: .HELP › › When you have specified E: as the input file so that you could type in commands, you have anoà}ther feature at your service. You can ask for help with the .HELP command. The program will read the disk file RUNOFF.HLP aá}nd display it for you. Type CTRL+1 to pause and continue the display. › ›o PAUSE › › Format: .PAUSE or .Q › › When outputâ} is being printed on individual sheets of paper (as compared to continuous forms) you want the printer to stop at the end of ã}each page. This command causes The PRINT TOOL to stop and wait for you to remove the finished page and insert a new blank piä}ece of paper. Quite often when you want this capability, you will start The PRINT TOOL with keyboard input, type the .Q commå}and followed by the .G command, and then specify the input file to be processed. › ›o COMMENT & REMARK › › Format: .COMMENTæ} text or .COM text or.R text or.RE or .REM or .REMARK › › If any line begins with .REM or ! the rest of the line is not read ç}by The PRINT TOOL. You may use .REM to include documentation or note to yourself in a The PRINT TOOL file.› ›o CENTER BOLD ›è} › Format: .CB text or .CBOLD text › › Many printers have a special way of printing which really stands out. Among the naé}mes used for this special printing are "bold" and "elongated." › › Printing of line after line, also known as running text, ê}may also be made bold. This is explained in the .FONT command.› ›o UNDERLINE › › Format: .UNDERLINE or .UN or .UL › ë} .NO UNDERLINE or .NUN › › These commands turn underlining on and off. ››o Making slides › › Format: .STYLE SLIDE › › ì}You can switch your output from the form normally produced by HEADER LEVELs to slides with this command. See the SLIDES docuí}mentation file. ››DS **››Several additional commands and special characters are introduced. With the commands in this file an ** COMMAND REFERENCE A to E **› This file contains the definitions for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL in alphaï}betical order from A to E.›› Each command name is followed with examples of the various ways it can be used in your input fið}le, including abbreviations. › ›o APPENDIX › › .APPENDIX text › .AX text › › This command starts a new page with an appendñ}ix, taking text as the title. The appendix will be automatically identified with a letter starting with Appendix A. This acò}tion is very similar to the .CHAPTER command. › ›o AUTOPARAGRAPH › › .AUTOPARAGRAPH › .AP › › .NO AUTOPARAGRAPH › .NAP › ó}› These commands enable and disable the autoparagraph mode. When the mode is enabled any blank line or any line starting wiô}th a space is considered as the start of a new paragraph. › › This allows paragraphs to be automatically formatted without tõ}he use of additional commands. Indention and other paragraph parameters may be changed by using the .PARAGRAPH command. › ›oö} AUTOSUBTITLE › › .AUTOSUBTITLE › .AST › › .NO AUTOSUBTITLE › .NAST › › The .AUTOSUBTITLE command allows text for the su÷}btitle information lines to be taken from each header-level-one entry used in the document. The feature is turned off by defø}ault and may be turned on by the .AUTOSUBTITLE command. › ›o BACKSPACE › › A CTRL+H inserts an ASCII backspace (BS) (decimalù} 8) in the output stream. The effect depends on the output device. The TV screen will display a lower right triangle. Manyú} printers will backspace, allowing you to print two characters in one location. For example, print N BS Z. › › See also CONû}DITIONAL BACKSPACE. › ›o BAR › › .ENABLE BAR › .EBB › › .BEGIN BAR › .BB › › .END BAR › .EB › › .DISABLE BAR › .DBB ›ü} › The bar feature is used to insert a bar (|) in column one of a line to indicate to the reader that the text has been alteý}red. The printing of the text output is shifted to the right by two columns when the .ENABLE BAR is encountered; therefore,þ} this command should be placed at the beginning of the input file or immediately following a .PAGE command. Once the featureÿ} is enabled, the begin and end commands are used (like flags) to initiate and terminate the insertion of change-bars. The .D}ISABLE BAR command restores the left margin to its previous value. › ›o BLANK › › .BLANK n › .B n › › This command causes }a .BREAK and then leaves a number of lines blank, as specified by n. If n<0, then the output is positioned to n lines above }the bottom of the page. › ›o BOLD › › .BOLD › .NO BOLD › › Turns on boldface type on printer (which has this feature). .N}O BOLD causes no bolding to take place. › ›o BREAK › › .BREAK › .BR › › This command causes the previous line to be output} without being filled or justified. › ›o CENTER › › .CENTER text › .CENTRE text › .C text › › This command causes a break} and centers the following text between the left and right margins. If there is no text on the same line following the .C, t}he text is taken from next line following in the source file. The text is treated as a literal; it is output exactly as ent}ered. Flags are off. › ›o CENTER BOLD › › .CB text › › Many printers have a special way of printing which really stands ou}t. Among the names used for this special printing are "bold" and "elongated." The .CB command causes the text to be printed  }in this bold way and to be centered. Just as in the CENTER command, the text is treated as a literal. › › Printing of line  }after line, also known as running text, may also be made bold. This is explained in the .FONT command. › ›o CHAPTER › › .CH }APTER text › .CH text › › This command causes a .PAGE and initiates a chapter, taking text as the title. The numbering of  }chapters is automatic and sequential. The word "CHAPTER" followed by a space and the chapter number is centered. The text i }s centered below the chapter number and three more lines are skipped. The text is also used to produce a running header on e}ach page. › ›o COLOR › › .COLOR n1,n2,n3,n4 › › The COLOR command allows you to control the colors on the screen. You woul}d especially want to control color when making slides by photographing the screen. The COLOR command gives you the ability t}o select the color for each of the lines on the screen. ›› n1 ›selects the background color. You can find the col}or numbers in the Graphics section of your BASIC manual. › › n2 ›selects the background luminance (brightness). n}2 must be an even number between 0 and 14. 0 is practically black and 14 is very bright, close to white. › › n3 ›}selects the character luminance. Characters are the same color as the background, but different brightness. You can have br}ight characters on a dark background or vice versa. You should experiment with the values of n2 and n3 to get a pleasing con}trast. › › n4 ›selects the line whose color is being set. n4 may range from 0 to 23. If n4>24 then the entire sc}reen is adjusted. › ›o COMMENT › › .REMARK text › .REM text › .COMMENT text › ! text › › This command allows the user t}o insert descriptive or explanatory comments in the input file that will not appear in the output file. The rest of the line} following the command is ignored by The PRINT TOOL. › ›o CONDITIONAL commands › › These command are called "conditional" be}cause their action depends on the condition of the output line at time they are executed. › ›+ CONDITIONAL BACKSPACE › › .CO}NDITIONAL BACKSPACE › .CBA › › A backspace occurs only if the last character in the output line being built is a space. Th}is command erases a space (and no other character). CONDITIONAL BACKSPACE is useful when changing font for subscript or supe}rscript or for inserting punctuation following a FIELD command. › ›+ CONDITIONAL HYPHEN › › .CONDITIONAL HYPHEN › .CHY › › } The CTRL+X inserts a conditional hyphen which appears as a hyphen in the output only if it is the last character on the line}. See the FLAG command for further discussion. › ›o DISABLE command › › See the description of the named command. The exac}t function of DISABLE depends on the command. Also see the ENABLE command. › ›o END › › .END command › › The END is the fi }rst part of a two word command terminating some special condition or mode. The commands which can be ENDed are NOTE, FOOTNOT!}E, BAR, LITERAL, EXACT, LIST and SUBPAGE. › ›o ENABLE command › › The effect of ENABLE depends on the command being enabled."} › ›+ ENABLE BAR › › See the BAR command. › ›+ ENABLE TOC n1, n2 › › Output to a .RNT file for production of a table of con#}tents is begun with this command. If input is from a file, an output file with the same file name but extension .RNT will be$} created; if input is from the keyboard, the output file name will be NONAME.RNT. After the source file has been processed,%} the RNT file may be run through The PRINT TOOL to produce a table of contents. Optionally, it may be edited before this pro&}cessing. › ›The numbers n1 and n2 are optional. If present, n1 defines the maximum header level to include in the table of c'}ontents. Its initial value is 3. n2 specifies the indention given to table of contents entries based on the header level. (}The indention is h2*(header level - 1). The initial value of n2 is zero. n1 must be specified in order to specify n2. Furt)}her information is contained in the TOC documentation file. See also the SEND TOC command. › ›o ESCAPE › › .ESCAPE text › *}.E text › ›This command causes an ASCII ESCAPE character to be inserted in the output. (ESC has decimal value 27, octal 33, +}and hex 1B.) The ESC is followed by text (if present). The ESC is not counted as a character for justification purposes. No,} RETURN is appended after the text. This command is most commonly used to send a command to the printer. For an alternative-}, see the .FONT command. › ›o EXACT › › .EXACT › › .END EXACT › ›This command is identical to LITERAL, which you should see.} for more information. EXACT marks the beginning of a block of input which is to be copied exactly to the output END EXACT m/}arks the end of the block; it must be typed in capital letters. › › for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL in alphaD ** COMMAND REFERENCE F **›This file contains the definitions for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL which begin wi1}th F. › ›o FIGURE › › .FIGURE n › .FG n › › .FIGURE DEFERRED n › .FGD n › › These command cause a .BREAK and reserve n b2}lank lines for the insertion of a figure; the lines may be reserved for a current (.FIGURE) or later (.FIGURE DEFERRED) page3}. The number of lines specified cannot be greater then the number of lines available per page. › › If the .FIGURE command i4}s used and the required number of lines are not available, a new page will be started and the lines will be skipped on the ne5}w page. › › If the .FIGURE DEFERRED command is used and there isn't room on the current page, the current page will be fille6}d before skipping to the next page. › ›o FIELD › › FIELD n › › The FIELD command is used after a mailing list or database h7}as been selected by the MLIST command. For the record currently being accessed, FIELD extracts the n-th field and puts in in8} the input stream. › › One use for this command is to customize a form letter. If you want to insert punctuation after inpu9}t obtained from a FIELD command, you should use the CONDITIONAL BACKSPACE to erase the space inserted after each word. › › T:}he FIELD command must be the last command on an input line; no other command or input text may follow it on the same line. ›;} ›o FILL › › .FILL › .F › › .NO FILL › .NF › › The .FILL command causes a .BREAK and causes each subsequent line of the <}output to be filled. This means that words are added to the current line until the addition of another complete word would e=}xceed the right margin. The .NO FILL command disables both filling and justification. › ›o FIRST TITLE › › .FIRST TITLE › >}.FT › › This command is used to force running head information to appear on the first page. The .FIRST TITLE should follow ?}the .TITLE command and precede any text input for the first page. › ›o FLAGS › › The PRINT TOOL recognizes certain character@}s in the text as signaling special functions. These characters need not occur in the first column in order to be recognized.A} Unless forced, as explained below, these flag characters are not printed. › › .FLAG name k › .FLAGS name k › .FL name k B}› › .NO FLAG name › .NFL name k ›› The command NO FLAGS ALL turns off all flags and makes The PRINT TOOL run a little fastC}er. The command .FLAGS ALL will restore the previously active flag characters. The command .NO FLAG name will suppress the aD}ction of the name flag character. The command .FLAG name k will set k as the name flag character and enable that flag. The E}various values of name are listed below with the initial flag shown in parenthesis: › ›. ACCEPT accept or force the followingF} flag to be treated as text (_) + ›. ALL turns all flags on (enabled) or off (disabled) ›. COMMAND command flag (.) + ›. CONDG}ITIONAL HYPHEN hyphen only at end of line (CRTL+X) ›. CONTROL same as COMMAND + ›. ENDFOOTNOTE column 1 end of footnote (!) ›H}. FORCE same as ACCEPT + ›. INDEX index command () ›. SPACE quoted space (#) + ›. UNDERLINE underlining (&) › › + These fI}lags can be changed using the FLAG command. › ›+ Exact SPACE › › The PRINT TOOL treats the number sign (#) as a quoted spaceJ}; i.e. it will print as exactly one space in the output, will never be expanded nor changed to a carriage return. The inveK}rse video space can also be used as a quoted space. › ›+ FORCEd printing of special characters › › The character immediatelyL} following an underscore (_) will be transmitted to the output with no formating effect. › ›+ INDEX entries › › When the indM}ex character (>) occurs in the regular text (not titles, .INDEX commands, etc.), the following word will be entered into the N}index at this point. The index entry ends with the first space, new line, or second occurrence of the index flag character. O}› ›+ UNDERLINE › › The ampersand (&) will cause the character following it to be underscored. Underlining of a string of chP}aracters can also be specified, by preceded the ampersand with an up-arrow (^&). An appearance of ampersand preceded by backQ}slash (\&) turns underlining off. › ›+ CONDITIONAL HYPHEN › › The CTRL+X inserts a conditional hyphen which appears as a hypR}hen in the output only if it is the last character on the line. This flag is equivalent to the CONDITIONAL HYPHEN command. ›S} You use the conditional hyphen when manually hyphenating a word at the end of the line. You would you the conditional hyphT}en rather than a real hyphen in case some future change caused the word to no longer appear at the end of the line. There caU}n be more than one conditional hyphen in a word. › ›o FONT › › .FONT n › › Many printers can produce output in alternate tyV}pe styles or fonts. This command allows you to specify which font you want to select which your printer can produce. › › FoW}r greatest compatibility among printers, the fonts are identified by number. The following tables shows how these numbers arX}e interpreted by various printers. You may wish to make your own table if your printer is different. You may also issue priY}nter commands directly, using the ESCAPE command if necessary. ›› ›+ Epson printers › › The Epson printers have been releaseZ}d with a number of different control programs. The following table lists the most popular: › › Graftrax Graftrax[} ›Font 80 plus ›---- -------- -------- › 0 normal normal › 1 wide on wide on ›\} 2 narrow on narrow on › 3 emphasize on emphasize on › 4 emphasize off emphasize off› 5 no effect ]} med wide on › 6 italic on italic on › 7 italic off italic off › 8 no effect subscript on › 9 ^}no effect superscrpt on› ›Normal = 10 characters per inch ›Wide = 5 characters per inch ›Narrow = 17.16 characters per _}inch ›Medium wide = 8.5 char per inch › › The font codes that effect the size of the printing are 0, 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9. To b`}e safe The PRINT TOOL issues a FONT 0 before these numbers. Fonts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 do not effect the size of the output.a} Font 3 overrides fonts 2 and 5, producing an emphasized normal size output. › ›The printer is put into double strike mode ab}s a results of the subscript and superscript commands. You have to put in back in single strike using the STRIKE command. › c}›+ Atari 825 printer › › The Atari 825 printer employs two different densities of the dots used to form characters. Fonts 0d} and 1 employ 100 dots per inch; these two fonts can be mixed on the same line. All the other fonts employ 150 dots per ince}h; these fonts may likewise be mixed on the same line. To be safe, issue a BREAK between these two sets. › › Double strikef} is not provided (and is probably unnecessary except for fonts 0 and 1). It is simulated by The PRINT TOOL, but this simulatg}ion is not compatible with JUSTIFY. › › Note that FONT 15 provides proportionally spaced characters. JUSTIFY 2 is highly req}Ãÿÿÿb'DOS SYSb2+LISTDOC ABCb5]INTRO DOCb!’STARTSETDOCb;³MORECOM DOCbBîREFATOE DOCbL0REFF DOCb=…REFGTOL DOCbBÂREFMTOR DOCb/REFSTOZ DOCb&3SLIDES DOCbYINDEX DOCb pTOC DOCb6zCUSTOM DOCB°RUNOFF ERRcommended to produce the best looking output. › › FONT 8 (subscript) causes the printer to advance one-half line; FONT 9 (sr}uperscript) causes it to roll backwards one-half line. The characters are printed normal height. You use one of these fontss} to cancel the other to return to the original print line. › ›Font Effect ›---- ------ ›0 10 characters pert} inch ›1 5 characters per inch ›2 16.7 characters per inch ›5 8.35 characters per inch ›8 subscript (1/2 line forwardu})›9 superscript (1/2 line backward)›15 proportional sized characters ››+ Atari 1027 printer › › The Atari 1027 printer prv}ovides one font which prints at 12 characters per inch. It prints 67 lines on an 11 inch page. Double strike and back spacew} (BS) are not supported. Its international character set is controlled as follows: › ›Font Effect ›---- x} ------ ›10 International characters on ›11 International characters off › ›o FOOTER › › .FOOTER text › .FR y}text › › .SUBFOOTER text › .SUBFOOT text › .SF text › › The text is used for a running footer or subfooter which is printz}ed at the bottom of each page. Since the balance of the line after the command is taken as the text, this must be the last c{}ommand on the line. If you put no text following the command, the footer is turned off. › ›o FOOTNOTE › › .FOOTNOTE n › .F|}N n › › .END FOOTNOTE › .EFN › !› › These commands allow a number of lines to be reserved at the bottom of the current pa}}ge (or the next page if room is not available) for footnote information. The text between the .FOOTNOTE command and the .END~} FOOTNOTE command is collected for the footnote. Page, title and section formating commands cannot be used within a footnote}. When a footnote is initiated, current format values are saved, and restored when the footnote is terminated. Space is res€}erved for the footnote as n multiplied by the current .SPACING value. If n is not specified, the required number of lines is} computed by The PRINT TOOL. Footnotes don't work from MANUAL input. › ›o FORMSIZE › › .FORMSIZE n › › Specify the maximum‚} number of lines that can physically fit on a piece of paper. See also PAPER SIZE which specifies the number of printing linƒ}es per page. If your printer has a built-in form feed which advances the paper to the top of the next page, set n<0. The in„}itial setting of n is -66 for 11 inch paper printed at 6 lines per inch with hardware form feed. ›› PRINT TOOL which begin wic ** COMMAND REFERENCE G to L **› This file contains the definitions for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL in alph†}abetical order from G to L. › ›o GO › › .G › .GO › › When you start The PRINT TOOL, you have the option of taking input fr‡}om the keyboard. This option may be combined with file input using the .GO command. One major use of this technique is to sˆ}et one or more conditions from the keyboard before processing a stored file. The complementary command is .MANUAL, which swi‰}tches input from a file to the keyboard. › › If you entered manual mode with a .MANUAL command, then .GO will cause input toŠ} be taken from the next line of the input file. Thus, .MANUAL and .GO may be used to enter varying information into prepared‹} text; for example, adding name, address, salutation, and some other personalizing information into a form letter. › ›o HEADŒ}ER LEVEL › › .HEADER LEVEL n text › .HL n text › .HLn text › › First, the HEADER LEVEL command inserts a BREAK, tests if }sufficient lines remain on the page, and inserts the number of blank lines that you specify with the .STYLE HEADERS command. Ž} Next, it inserts the section number, letter, or bullet (as selected by the STYLE commands), followed by the text. Also, de}pending on how you have set .STYLE HEADERS, a break may follow the text. › › The level n may range from 1 to 5. If you have} declared a .CHAPTER or .APPENDIX, the chapter number or appendix letter will precede the section number. The default format‘} which is in effect if you don't use .STYLE HEADERS are to number sections in the form, and to insert a break followi’}ng header levels 1 and 2. You may use .NUMBER LEVEL to set the numbers to any value you want, say for continuing a document.“} When returning from bullets to running text, you may wish to use a LEFT MARGIN command (with no argument) to restore the le”}ft margin changed by HEADER LEVEL. › ›o HEIGHT › › .HEIGHT n › .H n › › Sets the number of printing lines per page. You c•}an set height and width with the .PAPER SIZE command. See FORMSIZE to change the number of physical lines per page. › ›o HEL–}P › › .HELP › › The HELP command will display a summary of The PRINT TOOL commands. HELP should be used from interactive i—}nput only. › ›o INCLUDE › › .INCLUDE file › .IN file › › Specifies an alternate file to be read as if the entire alternate˜} file occurred at this point. Useful for building a large document out of smaller files, such as chapters. › › Another use ™}of .INCLUDE is to define a series of PRINT TOOL commands which you want to bring into your file without retyping the whole seš}quence, perhaps many times. Such a series of commands is often called a MACRO or MACRO COMMAND. The .INCLUDE command gives y›}ou much of the power of a MACRO. › › The file name must be fully specified, including device and extension, all in capital lœ}etters: D:FILE.EXT, for example. INCLUDEd files can not INCLUDE other files. This command is the same as REQUIRE. › ›o IND}ENT › › .INDENT n › .I n › .LEFT n › › Causes a break and sets the next line to begin n spaces to the right of the left mž}argin. The indention occurs in the space size for the font in effect at the time. Negative indention is used to get the firŸ}st word of a section or paragraph to stick out in the normally blank left margin space. › ›o INDEX › › .INDEX text › › This } command takes the remaining text on the line as a key word or words and adds it, along with the current page number, to the ¡}index buffer. The command does not cause a break. It should appear immediately before the item to be indexed. The action i¢}s similar to the use of the index flag ">", but the INDEX command allows you to put a multiple word phrase in the index. › ›o£} JUSTIFY › › .JUSTIFY n › .J n › › .NO JUSTIFY › .NJ › › The .JUSTIFY command causes a .BREAK and then adjusts word spac¤}ing for all subsequent lines of text. n controls how justification is performed. Justification slows The PRINT TOOL, with h¥}igher values of n slowing execution the most. ›› n=0 ›This is equivalent to the .NO JUSTIFY command which causes a .¦}BREAK and stops justification. › › n=1 ›This causes justification by inserting extra space characters between words.§} This option should be used for justification on printers and displays which have only a single width character (also known ¨}as mono-width). › › n=2 ›This causes justification by inserting variable width spacing between words. This proporti©}onal spacing is available only on printers which support dot graphics. When printing multiple fonts on the same line, JUSTIFª}Y2 will give the best results; it is practically mandatory when using FONT 15. See the FONT command for additional informati«}on.›› ›o LAYOUT n › .LO n › › This command causes a .BREAK and rearranges the header information (titles, subtitles and pag¬}e numbers), for all subsequent pages, as you specify.› › n=0 ›Page numbers are right justified on title line. › › ­} n=1 ›The title & subtitle are centered; page numbers are centered at the bottom. › › n=2 ›The title & subtitle ®}are flush right on odd pages or left on even pages. › › n=3 (default) ›The title and subtitle are left justified; pa¯}ge numbers are centered at the bottom of the page. › ›o LEFT MARGIN › › .LEFT MARGIN n › .LM n › › This command causes a .°}BREAK and then sets the left margin. If n is unsigned, the left margin is set to n character spaces. The number used must b±}e less than the right margin. If +n or -n is specified the left margin is adjusted relatively by adding or subtracting n to ²}the current setting. If you want to move the entire text block to the right, consider using the .RIGHT command (if your prin³}ter supports it). If n is omitted, the left margin is restored to the value it has the last time a LEFT MARGIN command was u´}sed. › ›o LIST › › .LIST › .LS › › .END LIST › .ELS › › These commands initiate and terminate the formating of a list, tµ}he items of which are itemized by the use of .LIST ELEMENT commands. A .BREAK and .TEST PAGE command is performed. If the l¶}eft margin is set to zero, the .LIST command will set the margin to a value of 9. If the left margin is not zero, the .LIST ·}command will add 4 to the left margin. › ›o LIST ELEMENT › › .LIST ELEMENT › .LE › › This command causes a .BREAK and then¸} formats the item number or character for the associated line(s) of text. The .LIST ELEMENT command must appear between a .L¹}IST and a .END LIST command. The elements are numbered sequentially, and the number given a negative indent so the list textº} lines up. You should compare this command with HEADER LEVEL using STYLE BULLET. › ›o LITERAL n › › .EXACT n › .LITERAL n »}› .LT n › › .END EXACT › .END LITERAL › .EL › › Sometimes you have a series of lines which are to be taken literally and¼} reproduced in the output exactly as typed in the input file. This pair of commands encloses such text. › › The .LITERAL co½}mmand causes a .BREAK and provides the output with exact copy of the input. This occurs until the .END LITERAL command occur¾}s. Any of the .END LITERAL commands must occur on a line by themselves and must be typed in capital letters. Within a liter¿}al block, execution of all RUNOFF commands is disabled except for current left margin setting and current spacing value. AlsÀ}o, the right margin is not checked. › › n is an optional count of the number of lines of literal input. If n is specified, Á}the literal ends when n lines have been input, or when one of the END LITERAL command is encountered. › › PRINT TOOL in alphj ** COMMAND REFERENCE M to R **› This file contains the definitions for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL in alpha!Ã}betical order from M to R. › ›o MACRO › › MACRO capability is provided with the .INCLUDE command. › ›o MANUAL › › .MANUAL ›!Ä} › The .MANUAL command suspends input from the file in which it appears and begins to accept input from the keyboard. File !Å}input is resumed on the following line with the .GO command. › ›o MLIST › › .MLIST file › › MLIST works with databases crea!Æ}ted by the Atari Mail List [TM] program. It specifies a mailing list or database and reads one record. Successive records a!Ç}re read each time MLIST is executed. › › Fields are extracted from the record and put into the input stream with the FIELD c!È}ommand. The MLIST command must be at the end of a command line. › › If no file is specified the file previously specified w!É}ith MLIST is closed. The file must be fully specified, including device, name, and extension, in capital letters (e.g., D:FI!Ê}LE.EXT). › › You may merge a mail list with a form letter by putting the .RESTART command at the end of the letter. › ›o NO !Ë}› › .NO command › › Sets the state of the following command to OFF and stops the command from functioning. The .NO prefix !Ì}is equivalent to a value of n=0 for all commands which are followed by a numerical argument. › ›o NOTE › › .NOTE title › .N!Í}T title › › .END NOTE n › .EN n › › These commands initiate and terminate the formating of a note within the text, that wi!Î}ll be automatically titled, spaced and centered. A .TEST PAGE command is performed, a .BREAK is done and two lines are skipp!Ï}ed. If a title is not entered, the capitalized word "NOTE" is output. › › Following the title, one line is skipped and the !Ð}text is centered by issuing a .LEFT MARGIN +15 and a .RIGHT MARGIN -15 if the current left margin is zero. Otherwise, margin!Ñ}s are indented four spaces. The text is filled and justified. When the .END NOTE command is seen, 2 lines are skipped unles!Ò}s n is specified, in which case n lines are skipped. › ›o NUMBER › › .NU n › .NM n › .NUMBER n › .NUMBER option n › › .N!Ó}O NUMBER › .NNM n › › Turns on page numbering if it was turned off and, if n is supplied, sets the current page number to n!Ô}. › › Note that if the page number is printed at the bottom of the page, this command may change the number which is printed!Õ} on the page which includes the command. It is safest to place the .NUMBER command immediately after a command which causes !Ö}a page eject (such as .PAGE). › › Command options allow you to specify the current number of various types. In particular: !×}› ›.NUMBER APPENDIX n sets the appendix › ›.NUMBER CHAPTER n sets the chapter number › ›.NUMBER LEVEL a,b,c... sets the numbe!Ø}r of the .HL (section) to a.b.c... › ›.NUMBER INDEX n sets the chapter to "INDEX" and the page to n › ›.NUMBER PAGE n sets th!Ù}e page number › ›.NUMBER n sets the page number › ›These commands set the number for the next appropriate command. › ›.NO NUM!Ú}BER suppresses the page numbers from the document. Any .NUMBER command will restore them. › ›o OPAGE › › .OPAGE START page !Û}› .OPAGE STOP page › › These command provide selective printing, allowing you to specify the pages to start and stop printi!Ü}ng. The "page" is interpreted as a character string, so it can include letters for appendixes and dashes for chapters.› › O!Ý}PAGE START causes output to be redirected from the printer to the screen until the specified page is reached. › › Specificat!Þ}ion of OPAGE STOP causes The PRINT TOOL to stop when it reaches the specified page number. You should specify the STOP page !ß}to follow the page you want printed. › › One common way to use these commands is to start The PRINT TOOL with manual input, !à}specify the START and STOP pages, and then use the .GO command to take further input from your file. You would use these com!á}mands to print part of a document, probably after making a correction. › ›o PAGE › › .PAGE › .PG › › This command causes a!â} .BREAK and then starts a new page if the current page contains at least one line of text. › ›o PAPER SIZE › › .PAPER SIZE n!ã}1,n2 › .PS n1,n2 › › This command is used to specify the maximum number of printing lines of text per page (n1) and the max!ä}imum width of the text in columns (n2). › › The number of columns n2, which is an optional argument, is expressed in tenths !å}of an inch, which is the same as the number of characters at the common printing pitch of ten characters per inch. The numbe!æ}r of lines assumes six lines per inch. Default values are n1=58 printing lines per page; n2=60 columns. See also .FORMSIZE!ç} for setting the number of physical lines per page. › ›o PAGING › › .PAGING › .PA › › .NO PAGING › .NPA › › These comman!è}ds disable and resume paging mode. When paging mode is disabled, the remainder of the document, up to the next .PAGING comma!é}nd, becomes a single page. This means that the document will not be split into numbered pages and that headers and footers w!ê}ill not be printed. › ›o PARAGRAPH › › .PARAGRAPH n1,n2,n3 › .P n1,n2,n3 › › This command causes a .BREAK and then starts !ë}a new paragraph. The command has three optional parameters. ›› n1 ›n1 specifies the number of indent spaces for !ì}the first line of the paragraph. The size of a space depends on the font in effect at the time. The default value for n1 is!í} 5. A negative n1 can be used to specify spacing to the left of the left margin, but the sum of the left margin setting and !î}n1 must be non-negative.› › n2 ›n2 specifies the number of blank lines that will be skipped between paragraphs. !ï}The default is 1. A negative n2 specifies the number of blank lines above the bottom of the page where the first line of the!ð} paragraph will appear. › › n3 ›n3 specifies the number of line that must be available on the page, performing a !ñ}.TEST PAGE command. The default value of n3 is 2. › ›The values entered for n1, n2, and n3 (or the defaults if no values wer!ò}e specified) remain in effect until new values are specified. › ›o PAUSE › › .PAUSE › .Q › .NO PAUSE › › Pause at the top!ó} of each page. The PRINT TOOL waits for any input before proceeding. You use PAUSE to change paper in the printer or photog!ô}raph the screen. › ›o PERIOD › › .PERIOD › .PR › › .NO PERIOD › .NPR › › The PERIOD command, which is on by default, ins!õ}erts two spaces in the output following the following punctuation marks which end an independent clause and are followed by a!ö} space: . ! ? : ; › ›o REQUIRE › › .REQUIRE file › .REQ file › .INCLUDE file › .IN file › › This command allows you!÷} to request that an external file be processed as part of the input. Required files may not be nested. The file name must b!ø}e fully specified, including extension, in capital letters. This is the same command as INCLUDE, which you should see for fu!ù}rther information. › ›o RESTART › › .RESTART › › This command causes input to begin again at the first character of the inp!ú}ut file. It is most often used with the MLIST and FIELD commands to merge a mailing list with a form letter. › ›o RIGHT › › !û} .RIGHT n › › The RIGHT command allows you to shift the printed output to the right, away from the left edge of the paper. !ü}Printing is shifted by n tenths of an inch. Not all printers can support this command; check yours. › ›o RIGHT MARGIN › › !ý}.RIGHT MARGIN n › .RM n › › This command causes a .BREAK and then sets the right margin. If n is unsigned, the right margi!þ}n is set to n default characters. If n is signed, n will be added or subtracted to the present setting. The characters on a!ÿ} line will not extend beyond the right margin setting, unless you use the LITERAL command. › › The right margin is expressed"} in the size of characters corresponding to FONT 0. On most printers these characters are printed ten to the inch, so n has "}units of tenths of an inch. For printers which default to twelve characters per inch, n has units of twelfths of an inch. I"}f you change fonts, the right margin will try to maintain the same position on the paper but may make a small change due to r"}ound-off and the ability of the printer. ›› contains the definitions for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL in alpha + ** COMMAND REFERENCE S to Z **›This file contains the definitions for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL in alphab&}etical order from S to Z. › ›o SEND TOC › › .SEND TOC text › .STC text › › .ENABLE TOC › .DISABLE TOC › › The ENABLE com&}mand starts sending information from HEADER LEVEL commands to the table of contents (.RNT) file; the DISABLE command stops t&}his output.› › The SEND TOC command causes text to appear in the table of contents file (.RNT). The text may be a string of&} PRINT TOOL commands, flags, or any information that you desires to insert in the table. › ›o SKIP › › .SKIP n › .S n › › & }This command causes a .BREAK and then inserts a number of blank lines which is the product of n and the current spacing. › › & } A .SKIP command will not skip any further than the beginning of a new page. If -n is used, it specifies how far up from the& } bottom of the page the next line of text will appear. › ›o SPACING › › .SPACING n › .SP n › › Causes a .BREAK after which& } the line spacing will be set to n. Single spacing is 1, double spacing is 2, etc. › ›o STRIKE › › .STRIKE n › › The STRIK& }E command causes the printer to print each character more than once to improve the appearance of the output. › › On printers&} which do not have a double strike mode, it is simulated by The PRINT TOOL, but is incompatible with JUSTIFY. › ›o STYLE HEAD&}ERS › › .STYLE HEADERS n1,n2,n3,n4 › › The way in which the HEADER LEVEL command effects the presentation of the output is &}controlled by this STYLE HEADERS command. Commonly used formats have simple alternate commands shown below. › › &}n1 ›n1 controls which header level text is followed by a .BREAK and which is run-in as normal text; n1 specifies the level w&}hich is run-in. The default for n1 is 3. › › n2 ›n2 controls whether text is indented according to its header le&}vel. The indention is n2*header-level; the default is no indention with n2=0. › › n3 ›n3 controls the format of&} the output. The default is 1, which produces numbered headers of the form › › n3=2 produces outline format wit&}h level 1 being numbered and other levels using alternating letters and numbers. › › n3=3 produces bullet format, where s&}pecial symbols represent each header level. › › n3=4 produced slide format, which is a variation on bullet format in that&} level 1 is centered at the top of the screen and color changes are used. › › n4 ›n4 controls the number of lines &}skipped for each new .HEADER LEVEL command. The default value is 3. › ›+ STYLE OUTLINE › › This command specifies outline f&}ormat indented as follows: › › 1.0 › A. › 1) › a. › &} (1) › ›This is equivalent to STYLE HEADERS 1,2,2,1. › ›+ STYLE BULLET › › Causes the HEADER LEVELS to be represented by bu&}llet characters. Different characters are used for each level of header; the characters on the screen and on the printer ar&}e also different. The levels are indented equivalent with a STYLE HEADERS 1,2,3,1 › › The bullet characters which are displ&}ayed on the screen and printed on the printer are controlled by the RUNFINIT.DAT initalization file. The PRINT TOOL is distr&}ibuted with several such initalization files for different printers. If your printer is not named, you should try the files &}provided to see if one will work; if not, see the CUSTOM file for instructions on running CUSTRUNF.BAS to make your own init& }alization file. › ›+ STYLE SLIDE › › This command is designed to produce screen images which can be photographed to make sli&!}des. Photographic hints are given in SLIDES. The SLIDE format employs bullets, STYLE HEADERS 1,2,4,1, PAUSE, RIGHT MARGIN 3&"}8, LEFT MARGIN 0, FORM SIZE 24, and NO NUMBER. › ›+ STYLE NORMAL › This command restores the default parameters: Run-in (n1&#})=3, indention (n2)=0, format (n3)=1, and skip (n4)=3. It does not reset any of the other parameters set by the STYLE SLIDE &$}command. › ›o SUBTITLE › › .SUBTITLE text1 › .ST text1 › › .NO SUBTITLE › .NST › › This command takes the remaining text&%} on the line as the subtitle. This text will appear on the line immediately following the title. The subtitle is initially &&}blank. The subtitle is not indented, but may contain leading spaces to achieve the same effect, if desired. The .NO SUBTITL&'}E command disables the subtitle feature. › ›o TABS STOPS › › The complexity of dealing with tab stops for various printers a&(}nd mixed fonts is beyond The PRINT TOOL. You can use ESCAPE to set tabs on your printer if it works that way. › › You can si&)}mulate most of the effects of tabs by using the LITERAL command to create a table or similar input which will be printed out &*}exactly as formatted in your file. › ›o TEST PAGE › › .TEST PAGE n › .TP n › › This command causes a .BREAK and the&+}n skips to a new page if there are fewer than n lines available on the current page. › ›o TITLE › › .TITLE text › .T text ›&,} › This command takes the remaining text on the line as the title. This text will appear at the top of all subsequent pages&-}. The title is initially blank. Flags are off within the text; the title is printed exactly as entered. › ›o UNDERLINE › › &.} .UNDERLINE › .UN › .UL › › .NO UNDERLINE › .NUN › › These commands turn underlining on and off. They are equivalent to&/} the flags ^& and \&, but may permit The PRINT TOOL to execute a bit faster. › › Printers which don't have an underline mode&0} but do print the underscore character (decimal 95) and the backspace (decimal 8) can be set to underline as explained in the&1} CUSTOM file.› ›o WIDTH › › .WIDTH n › .W n › › The WIDTH command sets the right margin by adding n to the left margin in &2}effect at the time. ›››S to Z **›This file contains the definitions for the commands and features of The PRINT TOOL in alphab$ ** MAKING SLIDES **› › The PRINT TOOL is extremely useful for making 35mm slides. These slides can be used for brief*4}ings, lectures, or travelogues. Word slides produces by The PRINT TOOL can be intermixed with line drawings, pictures of equ*5}ipment, and scenery for very effective presentations. › › This file discusses how to make slides by photographing your TV or*6} monitor screen. It also explains how to copy line drawings and other images on paper. › ›o Recommended equipment › › The f*7}ollowing equipment is recommended. Perhaps you can make substitutions if necessary. The equipment is discussed further belo*8}w. › › + 35mm single lens reflex camera with through-the-lens metering › › + 150 mm focal length (telephoto) lens › › + Tr*9}ipod › › + Color slide film › ›= Camera › › A single lens reflex camera lets you see almost what your picture will look lik*:}e (if nothing goes wrong). Actually, the photograph contains a little more than you can see through the viewfinder, so you s*;}hould take your pictures with the text right up to the edges that you can see. › › Through-the-lens-metering lets you adjust*<} the shutter speed or aperture (f stop) for the amount of light coming from the screen. This amount of light changes due to *=}the colors selected and the settings of the TV's controls. › ›= Lens › › The long focal length lens compensates for the curv*>}ature of the TV screen. The exact focal length isn't important. › ›= Tripod › › You'll be taking the picture at rather slow*?} speeds. You want to camera to stay still and not blur the result. A cable release for the shutter is recommended for the s*@}ame reason. › ›= Film ›› Any brand of color slide film that you like will work. You have to select a brand and speed of fil*A}m and test it out to determine which colors you like with the combination of TV and film. Any speed film from ASA 64 on up c*B}an be used. Experience has shown that the more expensive film does not necessarily produce better slides. › ›o Room lighting *C}› › The easiest thing is to have the room dark. This avoids reflections from the glass front of the screen and extraneous l*D}ight that might confuse the meter.› ›o Speed and exposure ›› › In general, you want to use a high f-stop to increase the dep*E}th of field, thus further guarantying that the slide is in focus. This will force you to use a slow shutter speed. The shut*F}ter must be slower than 1/30 th of a second, in order to average out some of the fluctuations on the screen. For ASA 100 fil*G}m, 1/2 or 1/4 second is a good place to start. › › Using the meter, adjust the f-stop to get a slightly underexposed picture*H}. Underexposure will give you good color saturation. The only good way to decide which colors you like and how much underex*I}posure produces the most pleasing results is to experiment. › ›o Document Copying › › This section describes how you can mak*J}e a slide from existing pictures, drawings, any other image on paper, or even small objects. The method described uses no ad*K}ditional special equipment nor special film. › › When copying, you will use your tripod in an unusual way. The camera will *L}be suspended below the adjustments of the tripod between the legs. Read your tripod's instructions carefully. Get help from*M} your camera store if you're not sure how to take your tripod apart and put it back together again. › › You will also need t*N}wo or three 100 watt bulbs. It will be most convenient if you have spring-type clamp-on bulb holder sockets which you can cl*O}amp to the legs of the tripod. A black background is strongly suggested. A piece of paper, cardboard, or cloth about 30 inc*P}hes square will do just fine. › › For convenience in working you may want to put the tripod on a table. A bridge or ping-po*Q}ng table is ideal. Make sure that the tripod won't slip and won't mark the table. › › Place the object to be copied between*R} the legs of the tripod and adjust the length of the legs and the elevation crank of the tripod to get the object to fill the*S} viewfinder. You may also have to change lenses. If you are copying an image on paper, trim the paper reasonably close. Th*T}e black background will take care of the fact that the image will not fill both dimensions of the slide. › › Use the through*U}-the-lens meter to select the proper exposure. Until you have experience, it's a good idea to bracket your shots by taking o*V}ne each over-exposed and under-exposed by a half f-stop. › › A final hint: If you are copying black images on white paper, *W}you can reduce the glare from the projected slide and increase the professional appearance by putting a colored filter on the*X} lens. ››MAKING SLIDES **› › The PRINT TOOL is extremely useful for making 35mm slides. These slides can be used for brief( ** INDEX ** ››o Intermediate PRINT TOOL files .Z}produced › › The index is produced from an intermediate file created by The PRINT TOOL. You have the opportunity to edit it.[} if you wish. Then, you run it through The PRINT TOOL to produce the index. The intermediate file for the index has extensio.\}n .RNX . › › An individual intermediate file will be produced for each input file processed.› ›o Producing an Index › › The.]} PRINT TOOL produces a working file named RUNOFINX. The program DOINDEX sorts RUNOFINX. The program DOINDEX2 reads the sort.^}ed file RUNOFINX to produce the file filename.RNX . › › If you have only one disk drive, it will be necessary to change._} disks several times in order to load the programs DOINDEX and DOINDEX2. You will be prompted by the program when this is re.`}quired. If you have more than one disk drive, the output files will be written on the same disk as the input files, so it w.a}ill be possible for you to keep your program disk in D1: at all times. › › DOINDEX is called by The PRINT TOOL only if ther.b}e are index entries. It can sort about 1250 entries on a machine with 48k bytes of memory. DOINDEX and DOINDEX2 are separat.c}e programs to maximize the number of entries which can be sorted. › ›+ Merging RUNOFINX files › › If you are producing an in.d}dex from multiple input files, you must merge the RUNOFINX files. The easiest way is to not run DOINDEX at the end of PRINT .e}TOOL processing. If you have one disk, just don't load DOINDEX when requested. If you have two disks, remove the The PRINT T.f}OOL program disk before the input program terminates. › › If you examine the RUNOFINX file using your editor, you will see t.g}hat the first line is an identifier and all the remaining lines contain index entries. The first line contains the five char.h}acters #$%&' followed by the name of the input file. When you merge together several RUNOFINX files, you must make sure that.i} there is only one such line. If you forget to remove the other "first lines", the program will object. You may change the .j}name following this five character flag if you wish to reflect the fact that this new RUNOFINX file has been produced by merg.k}er. › › Once you have produced a merged RUNOFINX file, you can run DOINDEX. You do this by loading DOS and using the DOS L .l}command to load and execute the program file DOINDEX.ABC . › › The first line of the RUNOFINX file is changed by DOINDEX to .m}indicate that it has been sorted. The five character flag is changed to '&%$#. › ›o Four (4) output files › › When producin.n}g a table of contents, The PRINT TOOL requires four (4) output files. The version of DOS on the RUNOFF disk has been set to .o}support this. ›› ** INDEX ** ››o Intermediate PRINT TOOL files , ** TABLE of CONTENTS **› ›Like the index, the tab2q}le of contents uses an intermediate file with extension .RNT. An individual intermediate file will be produced for each inpu2r}t file processed. The RNT files can be merged together using the /A modifier on the DOS 2.0 copy command, or by the .INCLUDE2s} command in The PRINT TOOL. ›› To produce a RNT file you must issue the command › › .ENABLE TOC n1, n2 › › The first th2t}ing this does is open an output file with the same file name as the input file and extension .RNT . Once you have issued the2u} command ENABLE TOC, all HEADER LEVEL commands will create entries in the table of contents. n1 determines which HEADER LEVE2v}Ls will appear. n1 can range from 1 to 5, the range of HEADER Levels. The default value for n1 is 3. › › Entries in the ta2w}ble of contents can be indented corresponding to the HEADER LEVEL. n2 controls the indention according to the formula › 2x} n2*(hl-1) ›where hl is the HEADER LEVEL. The default value for n2 is zero, which produces no indention. › › Once the RN2y}T file is complete, you then runin through The PRINT TOOL to produce a Table of Contents.›› ENTS **› ›Like the index, the tab0\ ** CUSTOMIZING The PRINT TOOL **› › The PRINT TOOL can be customized: › (1) To change the default values of some of the 6{}commands. › › (2) To match the FONT commands to your printer. › › (3) To change the mode of starting or calling The PRINT6|} TOOL, or the operating system under which it runs. › › Your disk contains a program named CUSTRUNF.BAS. This is the progra6}}m used to customize The PRINT TOOL. With BASIC active, type RUN"D:CUSTRUNF.BAS". › ›o The parameter file › › Your PRINT TO6~}OL disk contains a file named RUNFINIT.DAT; this file holds all The PRINT TOOL command default values, the printer commands,6} and other data required to initialize The PRINT TOOL. To make things convenient for you, several versions of this file are 6€}on your disk, each named for the printer or set of options it supports. To see what files are available, get into DOS and en6}ter an A command. Specify *.DAT as the file extension. › › To use another file as the parameter initiation file, it is nece6‚}ssary to rename it. On your working disk use the DOS E command. First rename RUNFINIT.DAT to something like RUNFINIT.ORG. 6ƒ}Then rename the file you want to try to be RUNFINIT.DAT. For example, rename EPSONMX.DAT to RUNFINIT.DAT . › › If there is 6„}no file named for your printer, you might try experimenting with several of the prepared printer files before setting printer6…} parameters as defined below. › ›o Customizing operations › ›+ Selecting an input file › › The first choice will be to selec6†}t which of the prepared initialization files you are going to read. If you just press ÒÅÔÕÒÎ you'll get RUNFINIT.DAT . › ›+ 6‡}Selecting a title › › When The PRINT TOOL reads RUNFINIT.DAT, you get to specify the third line of the title. You can selec6ˆ}t any line of text you want, including inverse video. › ›+ Selecting defaults › › Many of The PRINT TOOL commands have defau6‰}lt values. The values documented in this manual have been chosen as the most popular and the most efficient. But you may no6Š}t agree! › › The next question you will be asked is if you want to change some of these default values. Type Y or N (f6‹}or Yes or No). It is only necessary to type one letter. If you type Y you will be presented with a series of parameters to 6Œ}set. If you like the present value, you just type RETURN. › › Some of the parameters are switches which should only be 0 (z6}ero) or 1(one). Any other value will be rejected and you'll be given another chance. › › Also included in this first set of6Ž} parameters are several internal switches which control how The PRINT TOL works, but do not correspond to commands. For exam6}ple, you will be also to choose whether underlining is accomplished by issuing a backspace after every character to be underl6}ined. On some printers, this will give you a choice whether spaces are to be underlined. › ›+ Setting printer commands › › 6‘}The second set of questions will allow you to match the FONT commands to your printer. In order to do this, you will need to6’} have in front of you the ATASCII character set definition and the table from your printer manual which defines all the contr6“}ol codes used to cause the printer to print in various fonts, with emphasis and underlining. › › In interpreting this table,6”} be especially careful to distinguish when the control code contains a numeral character such as 0 (zero) and when it contain6•}s an ATASCII code such as zero which is entered by pressing the CTRL key while typing a comma. › › You enter the printer com6–}mand codes in response to the questions, ending each code sequence with a RETURN. › ›+ Restoring FONT 0 › › The last questio6—}n in this sequence is concerned with restoring the default FONT 0. Be cautious about using the master reset command (if your6˜} printer has one). It may reset too much. For example, on one popular printer it resets the top of page. Instead, you shou6™}ld enter the command characters which turn off any of the other fonts which might be in effect. Look at the commands you ent6š}ered to turn on fonts 1 through 15, and enter the commands to turn them all off. Ten characters have been allocated for this6›} command sequence. › ›+ Proportional spacing › › Proportional spacing is required when you specify JUSTIFY 2. It inserts a 6œ}variable amount of space after every word in order to justify the right margin. It can do this with a dot-addressable printe6}mand string to accomplish this. Read the printer manual to learn how to put the printer into dot mode and how to print exact6Ÿ}ly one character. › Also, figure out how to print absolutely nothing -- that is, how to prevent any of the print hammers or 6 }pins from striking. › ›+ Bullet characters › › The next set of questions allow you to select the characters displayed on the6¡} screen and printed on the printer for the five HEADER LEVELS. If your printer supports dot addressability, you can create a6¢}ny shape you want. Other printers may support backspace and overstrike to form interesting bullets. › ›+ FONT size › › The 6£}next sequence of questions inform The PRINT TOOL of the size of the fonts which your printer can produce. The questions asks6¤} how many DOTS (not characters) are printed per inch in each of the fonts. Finally, you will be asked to specify the size of6¥} every proportionally sized printing character in dots. › ›+ Saving the file › › When you have finished answering all the qu6¦}estions, the program will ask you for the name of the new customization file you have created. It will try to delete an exis6§}ting file by the same name, permitting you to use the same name for input and output. If the input file is locked, or if som6¨}e other problem occurs, you will get a chance to pick another name. If you want to be extra safe, go to DOS and rename your 6©}input file to something else so that you will not lose you original file is you run CUSTRUNF again. › ›o Alternate customizat6ª}ion files › › Although you will probably use one customization file to initialize The PRINT TOOL most of the time, there may6«} be situations when you will want to use a different one. One common case is when you are preparing a file which is to trans6¬}mitted to another computer. In this case, you are safest in using only ASCII characters (without backspace and overstrike) f6­}es the capability of reinitialization using an alternate customization file. › › When you start The PRINT TOOL, the first me6¯}nu contains options to produce a disk directory and to read a new initialization file. ›› the default values of some of the 4ZÅòòïò ìïç æïò INTRO*.* ðòïäõãåä âù The PRINT TOOL öåòóéïî 850419›25›26›27›28›29›33›60›77›98›120›136›195›559›752›1200›1500›3508A